ITISeasy Marketing Automation and Contact++
Organize your contacts and carry out marketing actions without much effort.

Rattling is part of the business...
... is the popular saying, and it means: draw attention to yourself. Every self-employed person knows that from time to time it is very important to draw attention to himself and his business. Basically, we do nothing else here and we are glad that you are reading this text right now.
But you do that, after all, in order to make money for your business with to create a better foundation and with Marketing - Automation the many tasks involved in attracting prospects and nurturing those prospects to do business with and with you in the most successful ways possible.
I see, CRM, so customer relations, that's certainly what many readers are thinking now. Yes, there is a bit of classic CRM involved, but there is more to it. Much more. First of all, it's about who has a relationship with you in the first place. And what kind of relationship it is. Because relationships only hurt those who don't have any, right? And the right relationships help in life, in business, and in general. So before we do anything automatically, we think about those relationships first.

All partners, or what?
Earlier in classic ERP systems there were first the customers. And the suppliers. Of course, they are the ones who earn money. And the suppliers. Because you buy something there that you need for your business, so that you can earn money. Then, step by step, contacts were added, because it became clear that the world does not only consist of customers and suppliers, but also of other business relationships.
At odoo Enterprise, this principle was taken a step further and turned into partners - short and sweet. But perhaps this term is only almost always appropriate, because the partners often include market companions or exes that you also want to avoid.
Anyway, the partners are the big pot that everyone gets into. What role who plays in relation to your company can be seen in but define much more precisely. On the one hand through the Tags, which are freely selected in and identify the respective contact - i.e. - partner several times. Like a sign, which one sticks as a label on a can, in order to explain, what is in it. After the signs one can search, filter, and so narrow down the target group that one would like to have.

ITISeasy: A true standard - only much, much better than what you may already know.
That's classic odoo enterprise, some people who already know the system will say. Yes, that's true, but we've improved it. On the one hand, in ITISeasy, we can immediately assign rows of specific, pre-filtered partners with a Tag or take it away. This is extremely handy if you want to edit many partners at once. On the other hand, we did not stop at tagging, but enabled profiling of the respective partner that you can set up yourself and thus use freely.
So if you want to divide your prospects into decision makers and information providers in terms of appeal, you could "tag" that. Using Profiling you can also find out the decision-makers who like to drink a glass of red wine, are middle-aged, female or male, sports enthusiasts and music lovers, as well as multilingual.
And thus use a target-group-specific approach to achieve that famous effect that often determines success or failure: "Yes, this person understands me and knows what I need now".

But this is just the beginning
To really do business with the other person, you need more information, for example, about the company's industry, the company's size and structure, the level at which your contact works, possibly the software used and other features of the company, and so on.
These and many more questions that you would like to ask, and especially where you can find an answer to them again in your contacts, so that you can communicate and convince in a targeted and better way; Yes these questions and answers can be accurately manage and help you succeed, or perhaps become even more successful. Profiling helps considerably with this. But now for more information that you will probably need, and that the odoo Enterprise standard simply does not provide.
And if a field is really missing, simply build it yourself with the ITISeasy Builder.
When it comes down to it, having the contacts in the company as well
With but there is more: The Contact - Contacts ++ - module has been developed because the simple structure: "Employee belongs to a company" is often not sufficient. For example, one would like to map that the company is a subsidiary of a group. Or that the colleague works at a certain location, which is not necessarily the company address and may also change quickly.
Or, if necessary, one would like to be able to use the company's branch as an address just as one would like to maintain the "home office" type of contact. And this with all the different media that are so common and widespread today, and where tomorrow some medium has already disappeared again.
But enough told: why not just have a look. So here is an example about the use of Kontakt++

Make market - with campaign
This story could be from real life: Some anglers are sitting at the dock: "We've been fishing for quite some time now, but nothing bites, especially nothing big. On the other side, a bit off to the side, you can see how someone scatters bread into the water. And also quickly hooks fish. Why: Instead of looking for the fish, we lure them to come to us. This is market. If there are enough interested people, there will be some who bite. And through the market itself people come.
The bread and butter action of the successful angler is the campaign. This involves determining when who will receive something e.g. messages, mailings, samples and sweepstakes. In the sequence, the right frequency and the provision of sufficient "bread" lies the secret of success.

The management of the campaign happens at with a new budgeting module that helps you plan funds and time periods properly and also set execution successes as metrics. The module is unique and not available in odoo enterprise. In a multi-step process, you assign the executors to manage the Budgets of the campaign and also plan the execution in the various media accordingly. The contact rate as an important measure of the success of the campaign is then the reward for the work and investment. Read more about this great planning tool below. But now let's take a look at these won contacts.
Not just for initial contacts, but permanently: Automatically track
Now we have gained contacts who are already interested in us. So we select the appropriate measure from our portfolio to deepen the contact. This can be a simple mailing, but also a phone call, or an invitation for an event or for testing. In any case, it is important that we keep the contact "warm", i.e. provide him with interesting opportunities so that he remains interested or becomes even more, namely our customer.

So that the contact does not break off, helps our Marketing Automation very good. In each case, the contact receives some new information from us in fixed intervals. But instead of us having to do the work, is at work and, according to preset configuration, sends the message containing a contact element. If the interested contact does not respond to it, the contacting employee can take another look at the matter and see what the problem is. However, the automatic follow-up saves considerable time and money, and also prevents forgetting, because the machine simply works through the pipeline.
Our recommendations for automatic tracking: Just take a look at how it works: Here you can see it.
Numbers again: Where the money goes and what comes out of it: The marketing budget
Now we have already clarified here above what the module is capable of: Planning and tracking.
But the issue is: How much budget is good and right for the marketing measure? And how much money should go into these measures? Depending on the market, a rare, big bang can bring the best success.
Mostly, however, the consistency of the water is required, because "steady drip shapes the head". That is to say: With recurring news and other measures, one brings oneself into the focus of the observer and market participant. However, these funds must be planned and managed so that the effect is achieved correctly.
Here we show you how spending can also be planned and targeted: You can find our Marketing Budget solution here.

With to success.
For questions about the product or Odoo Consulting please contact us!