Security is so easy: Move on an island. Your own island.
If you are on your own island, it does not mean that no one is allowed to visit you there, but you decide who it is.

Become self-secure with ITISeasy
If everything is in the cloud, it is hard to keep track of everything. In the foggy grey, there are also uninvited figures on the move and tamper with your sanctuary. With ITISeasy you create a clear view. It is up to you who is allowed in and who not. And this gives you the good feeling of being above things. On your own private cloud, that is.
Our Products
based on Odoo
Their contacts in some one else's hands. Unbelievable? Yes, we think so too. But then why do you share everything with companies that are based in foreign countries and do not care at all whether is permitted at your country? With your business is in your hands, and not in strangers hands.
based on Alfresco
Would you like to nail your documents to the door to Wittenberg? Some maybe, but most things are private. With
your documents remain confidential.